Unteachable Full Lives

14 November
19:00 – 21:00 PBZ Oerlikon

Queering Black Storytelling

There are lives whose fullness is unseen or denied. Yet their fullness is. Spoken word is a way to make present this fullness with others. ‘Unteachable Full Lives’ is the first installment of a 1-year pilot project in the form of a multimedia course on queering Black storytelling. In this installment, the artists-teachers will build a legacy as they narrate the ways in which they (including their work) are dis/embedded in the space-time they are a product of. They will do so by reading and recontextualizing texts from Slayeth Love, a Collection of 41 Letters From & For Queer Afro-diasporic People.


Thursday 14th November, 19:00

Free entry

Language: English

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